Van Listing Pricing Plans
Let us help you sell your adventure vehicle to an interested buyer today!
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Professional Appraisal
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Professional Appraisal
Frequently Asked Questions
How much should I list my van for?
If you’re unsure of the value of your van or how much you should list your camper for, we’re here to help. Explore VanX is proud to offer certified auto appraisal services, specifically geared toward campervans and adventure conversions that have supplemental value beyond just the vehicle. Our professional appraisals and consulting services are verified through a trusted, licensed appraiser and authenticated via appraisal systems used by insurance companies and agencies within the auto industry. Add the appraisal service during the listing checkout process or learn more here.
How will interested buyers get in touch with me?
Every van listing includes a “Send Us a Message” form that will automatically forward submissions to the email provided by the seller. Additionally, seller’s can also optionally choose to include their phone number on the van listing.
Does my listing include any promotional marketing?
All van listings have the option to add various social media promotions through Explore VanX’s online platforms and widespread audience.
Once you’ve decided between the basic and premium listing, you’ll have the option to purchase either Instagram story marketing with a swipe-up link, or static social media posts on all Explore VanX platforms.
Basic Listing Prices

Premium Listing Prices

I have a van tour video with more details. Can I include this in my listing?
Yes! Every listing has a section to include tech specs about the vehicle, a detailed description, photos, a YouTube video link, and a map showing the van’s current location.
Have an additional question not listed here?
If you still have questions about listing your van for sale with us, please send us an email at